– Eclectic Esoteric Yogic Astrology Rotating Header Image

(2) Full Video

In the half-hour video below, astrologer Kelly Lee Phipps interviews me about astrology and my involvement with it. The interview has topics of interest to the layman as well as to the astrologer. (A three-minute edit of this interview is accessible from the menu bar above, in the section About Ben. Short excerpts of the interview appear on DVD in Kelly Lee’s astrology documentary Return of the Magi, and on YouTube in the documentary’s hour-and-a-half remix, at

I have noticed one factual mistake I made in the interview: when citing Edgar Cayce’s statement that one can read reincarnation into the Bible and read it back out, I said astrology where I meant to say reincarnation. The interview was intended for editing. I trimmed the version below, but kept my mistake; I trimmed out only extraneous content: (1) an interruption to the questioning, (2) the only question I did not answer, and (3) references in the intro and outro to an expired link (Kelly Lee Phipps passed away on March 25, 2014). The untrimmed version is on YouTube and is linked below the video screen on this page.


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